What is Your favourite cartoon?

Wednesday 3 April 2013

april fools

i don't really get April Fools (seeing that i am writing this post 2 days late, seeing that it is april the third). i also think that people don't celebrate it enough So in honour of this fine holiday like our forefathers once did i am writing a post on april fools:

these are the top 8 april fools jokes that were actually put online, by some of the main brands like samsung google and twitter:

1.Google Treasure Map
It was only a matter of time before Google added a treasure map function to Google Maps. According to Google's Map blog, Google found a treasure map from "the infamous pirate, William 'Captain' Kidd." Google has added "Treasure Mode" to find the treasures around the world.
try it for your self!

Hopefully you don't use too many words with vowels. Twitter has announced today that it will begin charging if you want to tweet words with vowels. "Everyone can use our basic service, Twttr, but you only get consonants. For five dollars a month, you can use our premium 'Twitter' service which also includes vowels," Twitter wrote on its blog. To make the transition easier, Twitter or now Twttr has created a tool that removes vowels from your Tweets. You can try it here.
here try it https://discover.twitter.com/twttr/
3.Gmail Blue
Google has reinvented Gmail. And by reinvented it, we mean just changed everything in the interface to blue. Okay, so you can't actually use the "fake" product, but Google did make this fancy video with guest stars from, yes, The Blue Man Group. Here's a truth though: On April 1, 2004 Google actually launched Gmail. It definitely wasn't a hoax.

4.Sony Animalia
Sony believes there is a market for electronics that hasn't yet been addressed. A market for animals. Its new Animalia line of tech products for pets includes the Hamster Workout, a set of speakers that works with a hamster wheel runner, Kitty Cans, headphones for cats, and the K9 4K, a 4K display for dogs. The funny thing is that we're thinking some pet lovers would actually buy these if they were real.
warning this video is not suitable for children it has rude words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5.Samsung Smart Trees
Samsung has turned every other device in your house into a Smart device -- see Smart TV, Smart refrigerators, Smart laundry machines. So why not the things around your house? Samsung's Eco Trees keep humidity at a "pleasant level" and have S buds, which clean the air and provide over-the-air fragrances. And like a Samsung phone -- more is better than one. Multiple Eco Trees together turn on the Group Play feature, which prevent soil erosion.
6.Toshiba Shibasphere
Toshiba's new Shibasphere computer is so powerful that it can prevent human anger. The controller-free interface has a Logical Aggression Monitoring system that "deploys positive therapeutics to prevent emotionally deviating rage-quits." The sphere-shaped computer has a 12-core processor, 8 HDMI ports and 8192 MB of GDDR RAM graphics.
7.Google Nose
Google just can't get enough of April Fools' day. Google nose is Google's new scent search app. It can smell and search by smell. And like any good Google product, it's in beta.
Google, we're really starting to wonder if you shut down business for a week to come up with all of these.

8.YouTube Shutdown
And we end with the ultimate prank. Google announced yesterday that YouTube will be closing today. Turns out the site was just a contest to find the best video in the world. It is now looking for the best video and has enlisted some top YouTubers, including iJustine and Antoine Dodson.On that note, please wake us up when its April 2.
P.S.Here is my weekly cartoon.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

The Easter Eggs Have Had Enough

This is a pointless post about Easter for people who are in love with Easter and their pointless Easter bunny. To be honest, Easter is supposed to celebrate when Jesus was resurrected, not to honour a stupid bunny that is probably laughing down at us from his chocolate Easter egg palace. And to be frank, his productivity on Eater eggs have reached an all time low.

And not to mention the the health and safety for these poor eggs. They are cracking and all there yellow insides are pouring everywhere.
I think that children should not have to suffer looking at such a sight.
and now on breaking news the eggs are protesting in Trafalgar square. Saying that they need egg rights and that they have children and families that need protecting. This is there spokes person who is called eggs Benedict and is a dissident from egg royalty.

He promises to get eggs free of their heavy burden that they carry every day and that every egg will have a signed album of gangnam style. They also believe that they should live in a proper home and not a cardboard box for the little remainder of their life's until they face their fate at the pan or being boiled alive.

Saturday 23 February 2013

The Simpsons

Ever since i was a baby i watched the Simpsons. My dad told me that when he  tried to change the channel i burst into tears. my favourite character is lisa. she is the most clever of the family and yet the second youngest. I guess when i was younger i compared myself to her even though i had not a lot in common with her she was a sort of childhood roll model. And to this very day i still watch the Simpsons. I also used to collect the magazines even when i could barely read and i mostly just looked at the cartoons to when i understand the better and i can understand the characters characteristics better.
this is one of my favourite photos do with the Simpsons.
But as the program progressed the family got bigger and bigger
And bigger
And bigger
And bigger!
However the main attention is still the original Simpson family
now to end this post here is a video of a Simpson episode from youtube

Friday 22 February 2013

My Youtube Video

I am making a youtube video with my friend dramatise persona who has a blog on the same website,the video we are making is about is safety on the road and the main part of the song is

look left
look right
wait for the green light

when it is made come and check it out it will be called wait for the green light.However the idea is still in progress and will be done around summer time
i will list the lyrics at the end of this post so you can check it out.
here is a video about road safety that i thought was good with road safety and i used this a inspiration for my own video with my friend

Wait for the green light

If you are on the road
And you have forgotten the code
You don’t now know what to do
So I will give you a clue
Just remember this song
It won’t take long

Look left
Look right
Wait for the green light x2

It takes a minute to remember
But it takes a second to pass over
Take good caution of the passing cars
Or it wont be good for your ma’s
Or your pa’s for that matter
They will go mad as a hatter

 Look left
Look right
Wait for the green light x2


Use a use a zebra crossing
And you will be ok
if you can’t find one
use the subway
use that code
 it is common sense when you are crossing the road
you better use the code
or else you will go splat
you ain’t got nine lives
you ain’t a cat

(in speech)well exept helen

(song tone)

Look left
Look right
Wait for the green light x2

Oooh ya x2
Ooh yayayayayay

Wait for the green light

Thursday 21 February 2013

Dumb Ways To Die

This is my first blog and i would like to talk about a new video i found on you tube. It is called dumb ways to die. It might seem weird at first but the tune is catchy. I got it from a friend called william. I also thought it was good that it was a psa (public service announcement) to be safe around trains,this is not very obvious at the start but at the end it says it. and check out my blf's (bling friend's) blog thedramatispersona@blogspot.com

now here is my weekly cartoon and this weeks is from fruity cuties and check out the website it has even more funny cartoons
haha it is one of my fav's from the fruity cuties website. my weekly Question is why do students give apples to teachers?